
Is a course run by Spanish teachers as a foreign language with experience that want expand their knowledge and teaching skills. It is required to have IT knowledge, and have basic skills in that area in order to manage social networks, Apps, Google tools and blogs etc.

To be able to participate in this course you participants should have:

  • Laptop or Tablet .
  • Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
  • Word, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.
  • Video player.

Conclusions of the Course

To deepen there means of existing technology.

Description of the Course

This is a practical course run by teachers who are truly interested in technology and its evolvement into ELE. It is based on the development of digital tools and new ways of working on the Internet. The advantages that come with using technology are undeniable. But nevertheless, nowadays we resist some of these tools, being because we do not fully understand the use of them or just that we haven´t decided to use them in our lives.

The new technology that is always under development becomes part of our lives and merges itself into education, and from they’re on, the incorporation of technology is in a way a systematic method compared to other traditional methods. Students nowadays trust and support the Internet to get information, and to keep themselves updated on social problems.

The new students are ´digital natives’ using applications such as blogs, wikis, YouTube, podcasts, social networks, forums, chat rooms and WebQuest, in their day-­‐to-­‐day lives. Therefore, their ways of learning derive from the natural, and generalisation that
comes from new teaching resources. In our society, we create certain educational rules, for example digital skills that have incorporated itself into the existing educational programme.

The course has duration of 40 teaching hours, in groups of a maximum of 15 teachers.


  • For ICT to be used for the development of teaching units.
  • To know the new methodologies and digital skills to analyse your possibilities in the scope of E/LE.
  • To promote the realization of research banks in E/LE, offering a work template for your organisation.
  • To form the use of ICT and analyse it´s effectiveness and it´s degree of development.
  • To encourage the students independence.
  • To learn new strategies and confront new types of materials.
  • To know the principle spaces and platforms of work on the Internet and the Cloud.
  • To create a collaborative environment so team work will be effective.

Course Structure

The course is divided in 2 parts:

  • Theory Classes
    in which analysis activities are developed from digital skills. Where the main points are revised, with the means to make practical activities easy.

  • Practical Classes
    in where information workshops are held, where you can then integrate what you learned in the first half of the course.


  • Module 1. Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in the teaching of second languages
  • Module 2. The Spanish Dictionary on the iPad; Voice-­en off in Spanish;organising apps; apps vs. Web
  • Module 3. The independence of the learner and MALL
  • Module 4. The Exhibition of Apps; Notability and Evernote
  • Module 5. The differences between our students and the benefits of tablets
  • Module 6. The Exhibition of Apps; Nearpod and ‘Explain Everything’
  • Module 7. Clickers: improving the communicative interaction in class to include all students
  • Module 8. The Exhibition of Apps; Socrative, Polleverywhere Buzz, Tag Cloud
  • Module 9. Reflections on Video
  • Module 10. The Exhibition of Apps; VoiceThread, YouTube Capture


The course is merely practical, based on learning and practicing, also the clarification of problems in real life situations. Activities will be created for individual and also group work. Every day there will be an activity that integrates individual competencies also at the end of the course there will be a final project.


Attendance of the course is mandatory; at the end of the course all participants will receive a certificate. The course will only accept justified absences. After failing to attend the course for the third time without any reason of absence, the course planners will be made aware and will take drastic measures.


During the course you will be assessed, students will have to perform individually as well as in groups.

Bibliography for the preparation of the course

  • García Aretio, L (2001): Educación a Distancia: de la teoría a la práctica.Barcelona, Ariel.
  • Jones, V y Jo, J H (2004): Ubiquitous learning environment: An adaptive teaching system using ubiquitous technology.
  • Morales, M (2010): Dispositivos móbiles al servicio de la educación.