The workshop, divided into modules will be taught at the end of the day, inside the different technology programs, teaching and culture.
- Module 1. Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in the teaching of second languages.
- Module 2. The Spanish Dictionary on the iPad; Voice-‐en off in Spanish; Organising apps; Apps vs Web.
- Module 3. The independence of learning and MALL.
- Module 4. The Exhibition of Apps; Notability and Evernote.
- Module 5. The differences between our students and the benefits of tablets.
- Module 6. The Exhibition of Apps; Nearpod and “Explain Everything”.
- Module 7. Clickers: improving the communicative interaction in class to include all students.
- Module 8. The Exhibition of Apps; Socrative, Polleverywhere Buzz, Tag Cloud.
- Module 9. Reflections on Video.
- Module 10. The Exhibition of Apps; VoiceThread, YouTube Capture.